Thursday, December 12, 2013

Snow Chickens

Now that we have had several snowfalls here in Central Ohio, you have probably experienced the amusement of watching your chickens deal with the snow. Each flock is different and individuals deal with it differently.

For the most part, my hens were snow woosies.  They did not want to get their feet wet, or the snow was too cold, or whatever.  I'm sure it was complaining that I heard in their voices. If there was snow outside of the pop hole door in the morning, the boss hens would gaze outside and contemplate their next move.  Usually, the decision was to go out, but how to avoid the snow was the question.  Many times there were bare spots near the coop, which would allow the girls access to the outside without having to walk on the snow. Usually, a couple hens would "accidentally" walk in the snow, and then they would realize that it really wasn't the big deal they initially made it out to be. At that point, it was OK to walk in the snow. Such drama queens!

I always loved the tenacity of my hens.  Most wanted to be outside, not matter what.  This group of hard core hens usually included several Barred Rocks. I did have a few though, who took one look outside and turned around. Some would attempt to fly onto a bare spot, giving it their best effort, but usually falling short. Some would opt to stay in, others would leap to perches or bare spots outside. If the boss hens took too long deciding on their course of action at the door, sometimes a more timid, but very determined bird would tuck and run towards outdoor freedom, getting pecked the whole way. This usually resulted in the timid runner shrieking as she exploded out the door, leap-flying her way toward a bare spot or safe place to perch. This was usually a Leghorn, but occassionally my Americana hens would do this too.

Even tho I had thousands of chickens, I babied them as much as I could. Most times, after a big snow, I would lay down some old hay or straw outside of their pop hole door and around in the paddock area. A few arm fulls, or a couple flakes of hay made a very nice mat for the hens to walk on outside. Some days, the wind was just too strong or too cold, and I did not open the doors for them that day. Those days they got other treats and goodies to keep them busy such as an old cabbage, pumpkins, sunflower heads, or expired produce I managed to procure from one of my egg accounts.

All in all, hens get through the snowy season just fine. Encourage your girls to get outside. They need the sun this time of year. Enjoy their snowy season antics!

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